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- Aktinische Keratose
Atopic dermatitis
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sit amet tincidunt orci. Vestibulum eu commodo sapien. Aliquam egestas magna semper magna malesuada vestibulum. Aliquam urna quam, viverra lobortis lacus vel, faucibus egestas dolor. Praesent fringilla auctor nulla, eu aliquet mi dapibus ac. Vestibulum convallis porttitor dictum. Cras facilisis pharetra est vel vehicula. In neque velit, mattis sit amet nisl sit amet, vehicula bibendum risus. Duis facilisis sodales risus, vel fringilla massa sollicitudin vitae. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque nibh quam, iaculis ac lectus hendrerit, lacinia tempus orci.
Donec eu enim at sapien convallis vestibulum. Pellentesque mollis fermentum arcu et sagittis. Nunc faucibus porttitor velit, at semper tortor mollis in. Fusce ut metus id est varius vehicula ut eu felis. Ut laoreet purus eu ex commodo, at cursus velit sodales. Quisque fermentum blandit enim eget blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Morbi suscipit blandit massa, non malesuada est porta non.
Donec et quam tempus, sodales mauris vel, congue libero. Quisque suscipit semper dolor, gravida semper augue finibus non. Morbi sapien orci, sollicitudin laoreet nisl nec, feugiat scelerisque justo. Nullam auctor porta interdum. Quisque pretium scelerisque nunc, sit amet pretium neque. Maecenas laoreet lectus dui. Curabitur at malesuada urna, a aliquam elit. Mauris vel massa dapibus ligula efficitur bibendum nec in tortor. Curabitur convallis arcu ipsum, ac tincidunt lorem euismod sed. In vitae tellus sed velit sodales sodales. Nam mauris enim, viverra in dui ut, pulvinar pharetra odio. Nunc vehicula tortor id ornare rhoncus. Curabitur dictum tristique turpis et auctor. Suspendisse mollis condimentum dui ac tincidunt.

Atopic Eczema,
What is atopic eczema?
A genetically determined skin disease, atopic eczema is a malfunction in the upper layer of the skin that usually first appears during early childhood. Although it often clears up before adulthood, some people live with the condition for life. With proper advice and support, these people can manage the disease and avoid much physical and social discomfort.
Common symptoms include an itchy rash, dry skin, redness and inflammation. Constant scratching can cause the skin to crack, leaving it vulnerable to infection. Some people experience atopic eczema as a succession of flare-ups and remissions; others have it almost constantly.
Allergic reactions to chemicals, metals and plants can cause the skin to flare up and make atopic eczema worse. Eczema can also be exacerbated if it becomes infected with the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. Apart from allergens and bacterial infections, atopic eczema can be triggered or worsened by stress, or by seasonal climate changes such as the shift from summer to autumn when the air becomes drier.
It is important to remember that atopic eczema normally has a good prognosis. As part of the treatment, general measures such as avoiding irritants and excessive heat and using emollients to moisturize the skin are important to minimize the itch.
Topical steroids or combinations with topical antibiotics are often used to treat eczema. In very severe cases, light therapy or systemic treatment may apply.
Actinic Keratoses
What is actinic keratosis?
Actinic keratoses (also called solar keratoses) often appear as scaly patches. They can vary greatly in size, shape and colour, but are usually less than 1cm across with a scaly white surface. However, it can be red, pink, skin coloured, or a combination of these. The patch might feel rough and sandpapery, which often makes it easier to feel than see.
Actinic keratoses develop as a result of long term sun exposure and are a precursor to skin cancer. They can be found anywhere on the body, but some of the most common sites are those regularly exposed to the sun including the face, scalp, lips, forearms and backs of hands.
Anyone can have sun damaged skin but if you are fair skinned, burn easily in the sun, use sun beds or have spent a lot of time outdoors you are at particularly high risk of actinic keratosis. People who have a weakened immune system, for example due to organ transplant, are also more at risk.
Actinic keratoses may regress and may develop into skin cancer but it is impossible to tell which patches have the potential to become cancerous so it is important to treat all actinic keratoses. A range of treatment options are available for actinic keratoses and it is important to discuss these options with your healthcare professional prior to receiving treatment. Actinic keratoses can be cleared with field directed therapy including topical treatments and lesion specific therapy.
What is acne?
Acne is a common chronic skin disease. In fact, approximately eight out of 10 people will have to deal with it at some point in their life. Acne can also leave scars on the skin for many people with moderate to severe cases. The condition doesn’t always end when the teen years do; it can continue into adulthood. Females are often more affected during adulthood due to hormonal changes. The disease can be hard to manage, both physically and emotionally, and improving the condition can be challenging. Living with acne can impact the quality of life.
Researchers believe acne is caused by a combination of four events: excess secretion of sebum, overgrowth and plugging of follicles or pores, the presence of bacteria and inflammation. Hormonal changes in the body may worsen acne. This can cause the glands containing hair follicles to grow larger and over-produce oil. Unfortunately, a range of myths relates to acne and the causes of acne. There is no clear evidence to suggest that acne is caused by eating greasy foods or by not washing your face or body enough. Hormonal changes in the body may worsen acne.
Many acne cases are traditionally treated with either self-care products, conventional oral and topical antibiotic of various strength or systemic therapies. Medical devices such as laser, light and BioPhotonics are other treatment options that can be used.